GOLF TIP cover

Are you losing power and ball speed because your downswing is off plane, over the top and way too steep?

Try this drill with your practice swings to set your left arm, wrist and club shaft in the correct position with the right amount of shoulder turn, so you can feel the club approaching the ball correctly on the downswing.

  1. Take your grip with a 6 iron and stand tall with your hands in front of you and your club pointing to the sky.
  2. Rotate your club clockwise, so the shaft is parallel to the ground (make sure your left wrist is now flat and your right arm is soft with a bent elbow)
  3. Turn shoulders until hands move approximately level with right shoulder (90 degrees)
  4. Turn head back so chin sits on left shoulder, then tilt upper body over so spine angle is similar to address position (club shaft will move from a horizontal position to a flat plane)
  5. Now you’re in a good position to attack the ball
  6. Make a swing from this position by shifting your weight into your left side, whilst dropping your arms and rotating the left forearm to square up the clubface

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