PGA Tour pros aren’t the only golfers immune to the constant barrage of golf tips. See below a simple golf tip from a top PGA Tour pro, that, you can take to the course to improve your game.
Align your body to the starting line, not the target line:
The setup is the most under-practiced, underrated aspect of the golf swing. While a good setup won’t guarantee a good shot, a poor setup will all but ensure a bad shot. The most basic part of the setup is where you’re aimed.
If you watch Tour players at the driving range, you’ll see that many of them have alignment sticks on the ground and sticking in the air to make sure their setup is good and their swing is getting off to a proper start.
Your natural instinct might be to aim at the target, but chances are you’ve got a natural curve to your shot shape. So, take advantage of that! If you’re looking to start the ball to the right and draw it to the pin, pick a treetop on the horizon, or an intermediate target on your line right of the pin and aim at that.
Focus only on starting the ball online; your swing will take care of the rest.